Tuesday, January 14, 2014

We need a break...

Dear Scale,
Our relationship has become toxic and I can't take it anymore.  Each week I am determined to make you change and each week I walk away with nothing more than disappointment.  I know that I have made some mistakes but you could budge a little.  After our last date I have come to realize that I need to find happiness outside of our relationship.  We need a break.
During this break I don't want to see or think about you so I will tuck you away under the bathroom sink.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I would like to see you again on Feb 2nd in order to fulfill our commitment to the Jillian Michaels DVD challenge.  After that time we can re-evaluate our relationship. 

It's you, not me.




  1. You tell it Amanda! I don't even bother with mine anymore, it's not about the number, its about how you look and feel! Love your header and logo/slogan BTW!

    1. Thanks Kathy. I am going to focus on how my clothes fit for now. I found a really talented Blog Designer for some help, http://hubbyjacksblogattack.blogspot.com/p/hubby-jack-blog-design.html.

  2. YES! I dont have a great relationship with my scale either. I have stopped basing my self worth on that little machine. I am so much more than that. So are you!

    1. Thank Jess! I need to stop letting that number dictate my life.

  3. YES! I get so obsessed with mine too. I'm tempted to throw mine out at times as well.

    1. I hate that I am so obssessed with that number and I allow it to have power over my mood. Thanks for reading!

  4. Well said. I bet you felt a lot better after writing that.

  5. Oh I don't think it's you, I think it's the scale! How much work is it doing in this relationship anyway? Zero. Time to kick it to the curb.

  6. You don't even need it! You are fabulous! I love it :) You got support from this little Texas blogger :)


  7. You go girl! Don't think about it. Just enjoy the process of getting healthy!
